Very large windows and great expanses can offer amazing views to the outside, but they can also be a major source of harsh glare and overly bright sunlight intruding into your home. The need to balance the view with the in-home comfort may be tricky for these types of windows as the harsh light may only be a problem for a few hours a day or only certain times of the year. And after all, the main point of having large expansive windows is to let light in and enjoy your view.
There are some types of shadings that work better on larger windows than others. Here’s the go-to guide for what to consider when working with very large windows.
First, determine how much privacy vs glare control you need for the large windows.
If your main goal is controlling the light & not so much privacy, then Solar Screen Shades may be the best choice. Screen shades come in a number of different openness fabrics, so you can choose the amount of view thru and glare control that works best for your particular window. This is usually the least expensive option to control harsh glare for larger windows.
For more privacy, particularly nighttime privacy, Honeycomb Shades might be the best option, and can be made with a top down- bottom up option to improve light control. There are many fabrics to choose from that can go surprisingly tall & wide for larger windows.
For maximum versatility on larger windows, sheer shadings like the Silhouette, Pirouette or Luminette-Vertical Shades can help soften the glare. They also allow for view through the soft vanes and can close for nighttime privacy as well. These types of shades can do it all, but they do come at a more high end price-point.
Next – determine how will you operate your shades – Manual or Motorized.
Many larger windows are too high up to comfortably reach the top. For these, consider Motorized Shades to make operating even easier. And for great expanses with a number of windows, you can move all the shades with the push of a button or program them to your schedule. Otherwise a manual cord-loop or wand control may work well.
If you have a great expanse or large windows you need help with – call the experts at Aloha Blinds & Designs. We can provide options that will let you enjoy your view and provide privacy too. Aloha Blinds & Designs… Blinds that work for you.